How To Create Interesting Articles Full Guide

How To Create Interesting Articles Full Guide

How To Create Interesting Articles Full Guide


Most Welcome in this blog. Today in this article we will Talk about writing articles easily.
In the world of blogging sometimes making an article is a little difficult for blog writers, for example, if you have a niche blog that targets several articles that carry topics in accordance with the vision / mission for example about TUTORIAL then all articles must be related to other articles but another thing with the Magazine blog (Gado-gado / Mixed) which carries a variety of topics. 

Usually the Magazine blog is not too focused on just one article, but more concerned with the number or difference in each article depending on the ability of the author when forming an article.

Now on this occasion we will find out how we write articles that are relevant but also of interest to internet users. What I like when making an article is to remain consistent on the article you want to discuss and not complicated, but you must know what is written you also have to be responsible for what is written. 

When the article is published automatically the crawler engine creates an important data as follows: 
1.Keyword (keyword) 
2.The title of the article ( 
on the search engine ) 3.Description (description of the article that appears in search engines) 
4.Links to other articles ( Backlinks)

Now these important points that I will discuss when you want to make an interesting article. Even though the article is very simple, it has high value. Because it is important to remember that the website includes articles written when the article has value for visitors as well as the Crawler Engine (* BOT) .

#1. Article Tilte

The first thing you should know is that the keywords which are used for each article title that you write can also be used as keywords that are inserted in your post later. This intends to increase the population of the number of keywords that appear for your blog so search engines will try to recommend your site when someone searches for articles on search engines. 
the way is to type an article that you want to write for example my friend wants to write an article about "What do you mean by souvenirs?" . Before including the title you write it first on a search engine Example: Google Search type the title in the search bar will come out a keyword, see how much comes out, if a lot of the title of this article is good to include in the title of your article.

#2. Description

The description of your usual friend's article is located at the top of the body of the writing with the shortest possible minimum of 150 words and try to the point on the topic you want to discuss has a negative impact if the description contains too many words but is not relevant to the topic discussed, especially for Google Search really do not recommend posting the article description is too complicated, so try to avoid writing long descriptions but not related to the article. 

#3. Keywords

In writing phrases or keywords here must be very careful for the Crawler Engine like: googlebot, bingbot, etc. really do not like blog articles that use keywords by using the title or other people's articles that are not related to the article written it will have an impact on ranking blog when you are. 
Important things not to do when writing keywords:
Write articles by including several other blog titles in the article body
Write articles by entering other people's article titles
Copying is strictly prohibited

#4. Important point

The effect on using the wrong keyword above is that Search Engines rate the article as spam according to the third point when you are copying it should not copy the entire article but only a small part of the paragraph or half of the information section and make sure you include the main link of the website as well. include a link to the article, automatically the Crawler engine will understand and try to recommend your blog. 

For me, the circulation of backlinks will make the Crawler Engine try to recommend a blog that references links to other articles or blogs, on the other hand the link will be crawled by the Crawler Engine, so this blog link will be seen who has referenced when in analytics that will get a view.

#5. Backlinks

Like the keywords only in the backlinks using a link that is placed on the body of the posting, this SEO method I really like because when an article contains a link impacting the crawlers engine which will recommend your blog, but of course the link must be NO ADDITIONAL NOFOLLOW if NOFOLLOW has no effect. 
Regarding the keyword in point 3 and the important points in the crawling engine sentence try to recommendI assume that it is true when you try to copy without including the source it will have a negative impact on your blog, but on the contrary it will improve ranking when you quote by including the article link along with the link to the website, but remember not to COPY OVERALL .

My Final Words

Hope you'll like my article. If you have really like it then please share it with your all friends. Also SUBSCRIBE MY YouTube Channel.

Kamran Jaisak

Thanks so Much for Reading..

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