Characteristics of Low Value Click Ads on Google Adsense

Characteristics of Low Value Click Ads on Google Adsense

Characteristics of Low Value Click Ads on Google Adsense

Low click value ads that often appear on Google Adsense ads come from sites called MFA (Made For Adsense) sites. MFA sites place ads on Google Adsense with a very low click value.

Generally these sites do not have content. The contents are only in the form of advertisements, especially Google Adsense ads. Most of these sites use the ".info" domain, and some use the ".com" domain.

These MFA sites provide advertisements with titles that are sufficiently stimulating to be clicked on. Therefore many publishers do not block these advertisements on the grounds; although the click value is low if the frequency / CTR is large, ads with low click value are more productive than expensive ads, but are rarely clicked.

The characteristics of this MFA site are that the content is just advertising, and they budget a minimum amount of click value on certain keywords with a value of $ 0.01, and they advertise on Google Adwords.

If ads from MFA sites on your blog are clicked on by readers / blog visitors, you only make about $ 0.01 to $ 0.03.

If readers who visit their site through their ads on your blog, then click on ads on their site, they will get $ 1 even more.

Although not all readers click on ads on the MFA site, the number of clicks on the ads on the MFA site is enough to generate a profit of 50% or more.

The only way to prevent ads from these MFA sites from appearing on your blog is to block these MFA site ads with a Competitive Ad Filter.

By blocking low click value ads on Google Adsense from MFA sites, Google will send other ads with a slightly higher payment on your blog site.

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