Pay Google Adsense per Click Adsense Keywords

Pay Google Adsense per Click Adsense Keywords

Pay Google Adsense per Click Adsense Keywords

Although the number of enthusiasts to become an Adsense Publisher is getting higher, but not a few of those who have been Adsense Publisher for years have switched to other businesses.
Not surprisingly, the low income from Adsense makes many Publishers swerve and try their luck with a new online business, even though they still run Adsense.
This is of course caused by several reasons whether it is lack of experience and knowledge, or inadequate site management.
But based on the facts in the field one of the causes of failure in Adsense is a mistake made at the beginning when starting this online business that is not considering   niche market the target. This is one of the factors causing the success or failure of a Google Adsense Publisher.
Why Consider Niche Market?
There is no point in targeting a large market if you run an online business, especially if you use Google Adsense as your main source of income. Targeting large markets requires very high advertising costs that can only be done by large companies.
List of Niche Markets Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords
Try to look at the list of expensive adsense keywords and search categories below, is there a topic that you are good at or attract attention. It will be easier to build a quality blog if we understand specifically a matter with a topic that we master.
Note; the following list of expensive adsense keywords comes from the English version which is translated into Indonesian with the assumption that the keyword is expensive regardless of the language, the payment value still ranks high in each country, the difference is the paid value of Google Adsense per Click ad in English is the most expensive.
For more details see the List of Expensive Adsense Keywords and Search Categories
List of expensive Indonesian keywords and search categories:
Financial planning : Loans, Credit Cards, Debt Consolidation, Stocks, loan payments
Travel : airlines, car rentals, hotels, vacations, traveling
Lifestyle: fitness, model, bugar
Real Estate: mortgages, refinancing, vila, pinjaman, kredit

Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Keywords
The next thing we have to do is find out how much Google Adsense is paying per click advertisement for the expensive keywords mentioned above. This will really help us find out how much advertisers are willing to pay to have their ads displayed.

The following results are the results of a keyword analysis using several SEO tools, one of which is Add On SEOQuake for Google Chrome, and not from Google Adwods because we know Google is very famous for their closed attitude about how much advertisers are willing to bid for clicks.

Although the results of the following estimates are not one hundred percent the same as in Adwords, we still get adequate estimates of how much money we get when displaying ads onblog niche market .

Keyword Category "Financial Planning"
Following are the results of the keyword analysis for the financial planning category   which consists of Loans, Credit Cards, Shares.

Each keyword analysis is displayed in a picture that shows the search volume per month, CPC value or Google Adsense payment per ad click, competition level and number of sites review the same topic.

1. The keyword "loan"
The following figure is the result of the analysis for the keyword "loan"

analysis results for the keyword "loans"

2. The keyword "credit card"
The following figure shows the analysis results for the keyword "credit card"

analysis results for the keyword "credit card"

3. The keyword "stock"
The following figure shows the analysis results for the keyword  "stock"

Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

Kategori Kata Kunci "Travel"
Here are expensive Adsense keywords for the "Travel" category which consist of Airline, Car Rental, Hotels, cruises, holidays

1. Kata kunci "Airline"
The following figure shows the analysis results for the keyword "airline"

Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

2. The keyword "car rental"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

3. Kata kunci "hotel"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

4. The keyword "cruise"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

5. The keyword "vacation"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

Kategori Kata Kunci "lifestyle"
Here are expensive Adsense keywords for the "Lifestyle" category which consist of the keywords  Fitness, Dating

1. Kata kunci "fitness"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

2. The keyword "dating"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

Kategori Kata Kunci "e-Commerce"
Here are the expensive Adsense keywords for the "e-Commerce" category consisting of VoIP, Broadband, Domain Names, Web Hosting, Web Design

1. Kata kunci "VoIP"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

2. Kata kunci "broadband"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

3. The keyword "domain name"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

4. The keyword "web hosting"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

5. Kata kunci "web design"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

Kategori Kata Kunci "Real Estate"
Here are the expensive Adsense keywords for the "Real Estate" category which consist of Mortgage, Refinancing, credit

1. The keyword "mortgage"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

2. Kata kunci "refinancing"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

3. Kata kunci "kredit"
Pay Google Adsense per Click Advertising Based on Expensive Indonesian Adsense Keywords

You can see for yourself how many search volumes for each keyword, following the CPC (Cost per Click) value and the level of competition and the number of sites that cover the same topic for each keyword.

Keyword Analysis
Take the example of the keyword "credit". Seen the number of searches per month as many as 135,000, quite a lot, is enough to bring one hundred thousand more visitors to our site every month what if our blog is ranked first Google.

But unfortunately it turns out that the number of sites that cover the topic of "credit" is also not small, 95.1 million, - site. Wow ... can we compete with that many competitors? may need a God SEO style ... :)

What about the amount of Google Adsense payment per ad click for this "credit" keyword? wow too ... for Rp. 204,996, fantastic isn't it ... it feels like 2 or 3 clicks per day can make us rich ... why is this expensive? the answer is certainly because of the high level of competition.

The list of expensive Indonesian keywords above is only a small part that can be presented here, but it is enough to represent the entire keyword with expensive payment for each click, you can develop your own chosen keywords according to the topic mastered.

Departing from all that, we can already estimate how much Google Adsense payment per click we will receive from each ad click by a visitor on our site.

The next step is to do keyword research on Google Adwords, to find out the actual search volume in the Google search engine.

Why Google? The real reason is because Google is the world's leading search engine and we need to optimize our website and articles for the Google search engine.

Next create a site or blog according to the topic that you are good at and based on selected keywords from the list above. So you can guess how much is paid Google Adsense per click on ads that appear on our blog. If you have other experiences or want to discuss, don't forget to comment below.

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