The Best Format for Google Adsense Ads

The Best Format for Google Adsense Ads

The Best Format for Google Adsense Ads

Google Adsense always helps publishers in ad serving to increase competition. When needed for a certain ad size, there are times when Google changes the size of the ad and replaces display ads of similar size and displays in ad units. So, not necessarily ads that I think can work well on your blog.

For this, the ad formats that are displayed must be adjusted to the blog template used with the layout of the space on your blog.

In my opinion, wide ad formats tend to perform better than long ad formats because visitors are easier to read.

It will be easier for blog visitors to read more text at a glance without having to change focus, for example from the article column to the sidebar column like the format in a narrower sidebar ad. The wide ad format also reduces the tendency of readers to leave the ad unit altogether.

If the ads are placed correctly, these ad formats can increase revenue significantly. According to Google Adsense the most effective ad formats are, base width 160x600, medium rectangle 300x250, large rectangle 336x280.

The thing to note is that although these ad formats generally perform well, you should use a format that matches your blog page and template.

An example of maximizing narrow ad space is to try one of the link unit ad formats as shown below.

The ad format is quite aligned to fill space that cannot be filled by ordinary ads.

My conclusions and suggestions, before deciding on the right format and in accordance with your blog, it's best to experiment several times. Consider which of the advertisements posted on your blog that performs better.

Experiments help you make informed decisions about how to configure the appropriate ad formats to increase revenue.

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