Best SEO Wordpress Plugin for Website to Appear on Google

Best SEO Wordpress Plugin for Website to Appear on Google

Best SEO Wordpress Plugin for Website to Appear on Google

The WordPress SEO Plugin is a SEO Tool  specifically designed to improve the SEO of WordPress sites. This plugin must be used by every WordPress user if you want to improve the SEO of his site so that his website quickly appears on the first page of Google. 

I think almost all SEO experts agree that the most quality traffic comes from visitors donated by search engines like Google. Even the value of click AdSense ads will be greater than the value of clicks made by visitors who come through social media or other.

Many SEO experts recommend using a special WordPress plugin to improve the SEO of their Wordpress site. 

In this article I will share information on some of the best free and paid Wordpress SEO plugins that you must use to make the website appear on the first page of Google. 

Here are 4 of the best WordPress SEO plugins that are most widely used today:

1. Rel NoFollow Checkbox

When you link to another site, you are actually giving your site authority for the site to which the link is given. This means that the site will get value from your site to rank better in search engines. But if you don't want to do that, you can add the nofollow attribute to the link created earlier. 

We can even make all external links with the nofollow attribute. But this method is not recommended at all. Because who knows one day you might need it to provide a DoFollow link to a site that you think is really helpful. 

Nofollow Checkbox Railis a simple WordPress SEO plugin that works to make or determine a link whether given the dofollow or nofollow attribute . 

This plugin works by bringing up a pop up window  when we insert a link in the WordPress text editor page. 

2. Broken Link Checker

Broken links or often termed broken links alias links that are no longer functioning, not only cause a less good user experience for your website, broken links can also affect the SEO quality of your Wordpress site. 

Must often check whether there are links that are not working. If anything, it's better to hurry and improve it so that the SEO quality of your website remains good in the search engines. 

Broken Link Checker is a free WordPress SEO plugin that can help us find links that are not functioning or are broken on our site quickly. 

With this plugin we can repair broken links on web pages or in articles without having to open a Wordpress editor.

This plugin is really very useful and of course free. But unfortunately this plugin can drain resources so that it can slow down server performance. Even some hosting providers sometimes block this plugin on their servers. 

3. LinkPatrol

LinkPatrol is a premium WordPress SEO plugin that can be used to control all links on the site. 

You can monitor all outgoing links on the site, find out which sites provide  link juice , and much more. 

Actually the LinkPatrol function is also the same as other free WordPress SEO tools, it's just that these free tools have more minimal features than the paid WordPress SEO plugin. 

This SEO tool provides a faster and more efficient way to clean up all achor text, spam links, and lik juice problems with a very good and easy to use user interface, as well as a faster process of course. 

4. Plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast

This WordPress SEO plugin from Yoast is one of the most downloaded WordPress SEO plugins of all time. This SEO tool can be used as a comprehensive solution for all your SEO ON-PAGE SEO optimization needs. 

There is a box to optimize the title of the article to make it more SEO friendly, create meta descriptions, and meta keywords for each article on the site pages easily. 

In addition we can also set snippet previews from Google Search , configure meta robots: noodp meta tags , noydir meta tags , set noindex or nofollow a page. 

We can also set RSS headers / footers ,breadcrumbs on each post page and many more. 

If you are a WordPress user it is strongly recommended to use this plugin. Because this WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin is very complete to optimize SEO on your Wordpress site. 


Website loading speed is one of many important factors to improve search ranking. Websites that have faster loading can easily outperform other slower sites. 

Therefore pay extra attention to improving site quality by increasing the loading speed of each page of your website. 

Routinely check the loading of sites by using tools like Google Page Speed and Pingdom to ascertain how fast your website is loading. 

It is recommended to install the caching plugin , and you should use W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cachewhich is useful for increasing the page loading speed of a site. 

You can also use the CDN Service  like MaxCDN which can be used together with the caching plugin . 

Also in using images as optimal as possible, use images that have smaller sizes. Because image size can also affect site speed. And by optimizing images, you will see the site speed will increase significantly. 

See also  7 Ways to Optimize Images for SEO

But if you have installed additional plugins like the one mentioned above and all the SEO tips have been applied and it turns out your Wordpress loading site is also slowing down, this means the problem is on the hosting server. For that you need to find another hosting company that is faster and is already optimized to run Wordpress sites. 

To improve the SEO of a website so that it quickly appears on the first page of Google, you don't have to be fixated on certain tools, there are still many other tools that can be utilized. But now the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin is the most widely used. It is also recommended that you use this plugin. 

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