How to Choose the Right Domain Name

How to Choose the Right Domain Name

How to Choose the Right Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name and in accordance with current wishes is not easy. Try registering a domain name in one of the web domain service providers, you will find almost all the names have been registered.

How to Choose the Right Domain Name

Therefore we need special tips for registering and choosing the right domain name that suits the brand, brand and profile of the website being built.

Here are some tips that can be used to choose the right domain name:

1. General Naming Domain Rules

General rules for domain naming itself consist of a series of alphabet letter combinations consisting of letters A to Z, numbers ranging from 0 to 9, and hyphen (-), and a maximum length of 67 characters and hyphen may not be a prefix or suffix, but may be used among them.

2. Consider 5 Words as the Main Keyword Idea

You should have some of the best terms or phrases as ideas related to brands to describe the domain name that is being searched for.

Start by searching for pairs of words or phrases by adding prefixes or suffixes to get the right domain ideas.

For example if you want to launch a domain name related to a mortgage, you can start with words like "mortgage, finance, equity, interest, home".

Then try playing around with other phrases until you finally find the right pair of words for a name that is relevant to your brand.

3. Choosing a Unique Domain Name

Choosing a domain name that is similar to the domains of other websites that are already quite popular is a disaster.

Don't choose names that are too plural, hyphenated or intentionally misspelled following an established domain version, for example just and has been carrying Flickr's branding for years, but they still need the name, which they bought themselves.

It is recommended to choose a unique name that makes a difference with other sites, but still describes your business or brand.

4. Only Using Dot-Com

The Dot Com extension is the most recommended, because it appears very often on SERP and almost everyone is very familiar with this domain name.

But you can also choose Dot ID for Indonesia. Dot ID itself is currently increasingly used and increasingly popular among Internet users, especially Indonesia.

The indication can be seen from the more frequent Dot ID domain names appearing on Google search results pages.

If you don't care much about blog traffic, you can just ignore these tips but if you want to build a website and survive for a long time, you need to consider this.

5. Domain Names Must Be Easy to Type

Make a name that is easily typed by the user, you should avoid using hyphen, or hyphen and too long, special characters, abbreviations or strange spelling and words that have nothing to do with the brand.

Because this can be a cause of misperception that results in misspellings. Or consider registering the misspelled domains to handle the error so that it isn't used by unauthorized people. Like the case of with

6. Short and Easy to Remember

The right domain name is one that is easy to remember, easy to mention, concise, and full of meaning. Try not more than three words, one or two words are even better.

Short domain names will be easy to remember, easier to market both offline and online.

It must be admitted to have a short domain name at the top level like dot com is not easy, considering almost all the names that are at the top level have been registered.

7. Avoid using hyphens (hyphen) or numbers

Hyphens and numbers are difficult to pronounce verbally, and are difficult to remember or type. The use of conjunctions and numbers will also correlate poorly with brand, traffic and ranking on Google.

It is recommended not to use hyphen, numbers or Roman numerals for domain names because they can be confusing and cause misspellings.

But if there is no other way and because it is closely related to the brand or blog profile that is built, using a hyphen in the domain name also does not hurt.

8. Avoid Trademark and Copyright

Like brands, domain names are also unique and can be duplicated. For that, make sure not to use a name that has become a trademark and has been registered as a copyright such as Pizza Hut, KFC and others.

9. Use the Ajax Domain Seletion Tool

The online tools available at Doaminr can be used to facilitate searching for domain names on the internet.

For the record, you do not need to buy a domain from this service. You can buy it at another domain registrar that is suitable and familiar with you.

The tips above are just one way to choose the right domain name and in fact there are many other tips scattered on the internet that might be published based on their respective experiences. Next, please add.

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