Increase Online Sales With Mobile Marketing

Increase Online Sales With Mobile Marketing

Increase Online Sales With Mobile Marketing

Most mobile users spend their days on social media. This phenomenon is the best opportunity when viewed from a business standpoint. It is surprising that many business owners ignore the impact of mobile technology and do not try to maximize  mobile marketing  to increase their online sales.
Evidently there are still many business owners who still do not know the positive effects for increasing online marketing and sales.
Yet if done through this tool can drive a number of unusually large traffic to their website.
Of course this is very surprising especially when referring to a study conducted by Hitwise , where more than 58% of search engine traffic currently comes from mobile devices.
The question is what's in it for SEO in the future? How can site owners benefit from this new technology?
The answer to that question, I think, can be found below.
Here are three ways to maximize mobile marketing that every business owner can use to improve online sales:
Focus first on Social Media
To get the most out of mobile search it is important to understand the psychology of mobile users. In general, the needs of mobile users are to get entertainment and knowledge, and most of the entertainment comes from social media .
If you want to increase online sales with mobile marketing, the first thing you have to pay attention to is social media. For this reason it is important to ensure that you are able to provide entertaining and easily shared content.
You can do this by adding tags clearly that encourage mobile users to share on any social media, because mobile users tend to spend their time on social media.
Ensure Responsive Web Design
After Google introduced major changes to the search algorithm, since then Google has also prioritized responsive and mobile friendly web design.
For this reason, Google recently introduced their AMP HTML which is specifically designed to build a mobile friendly website, a site that is easily accessed through mobile devices.
This indication clearly shows that Google is very intensely prioritizing responsive, mobile friendly web design as the best choice for website owners from a search perspective.
Responsive web design allows sites to perform better on all platforms, whether it's desktops, laptops, tablets or other mobile devices.
Google also said it would impose sanctions for websites that are difficult to access via mobile devices or are not mobile friendly.
If your website uses an old design and isn't very difficult to access mobile devices, it might have an adverse effect on your search engine results.
Whatever the reason, if you are not an expert in the field of web design don't make the mistake of designing it yourself unless you have sufficient knowledge for mobile friendly web design.
Currently there are many web design companies in Indonesia such as Proweb , Creative Web Design  and others. Or you can contact me through this contact page :).
Generally they offer mobile web design solutions for clients who want to improve their mobile marketing.
If you really want to design your own web there are many web design tools that can be used to create a mobile version of the site, but this will not be as sophisticated as what you can get from a professional.
Improve User Experience
When you start mobile marketing, user experience is very important. Most users don't want to bother with sites that have bad designs.
First and foremost, is to understand that the loading and navigation load of your site must be designed as comfortable as possible for the reader.
For example, by simplifying navigation that allows access to the most important web pages or the most popular web pages from your website.
One easy way to do this is to adopt a vertical menu for all web pages for easy access.
The focus is also on website loading speed, having a single user interface as a whole, more friendly input fields, web format and other factors that will make the website look more useful for users.
Mobile marketing should not be something to be afraid of, but rather be used to your full advantage.
Mobile marketing really has to have a few principles that, if used correctly, can reap enormous benefits for your business.
The most important and always must remember is to always focus on user experience, building a site with a responsive design that will look good on all platforms is the main thing.
Then pay special attention to content that can be easily shared, useful, entertaining and lightweight, so you will easily attract the attention of mobile users.
Maximizing mobile marketing at this time is important and the main thing that needs to get the attention of business owners if they want to increase their online sales in the future. 

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